Farm to Fork: Updating Narratives About Agriculture

Comic about agriculture
What if “agriculture” is no longer what it used to be when the CAP was developed in the 60s? If we agree on this point, then it is time to refresh the master narratives used to describe its role in society. This Uncomfortable Knowledge Hub (UKH) series consists of one teaser video and three video lectures exposing the presence of three elephants in the room when coming to the sustainability of agriculture. One longer publication resource is also available at the end of this webpage.

What challenges are faced by the Farm to Fork strategy?

The Farm to Fork strategy requires a deep reconsideration of the role of agriculture and the heavy dependence on imports by EU security. It is not sure that a pure technological solution will be capable of resolving the modern predicament.


Today EU agriculture is a specialized societal organ needed to feed the cities

Today EU agriculture is a specialized societal organ needed to feed the cities. Current economic drivers of agricultural change do not help rural development or protect agro-ecosystems. How did this come to pass? What form of agriculture is being practiced in Europe, and what does it imply for Europe’s metabolic profile?

Today EU agriculture is heavily and dangerously dependent on imports

Today EU agriculture is heavily and dangerously dependent on imports. Externalization and agribusiness can be understood as no good for food security and for farmers. Why is agribusiness so special, and what does it imply for relations between the production, consumption, import and export of agricultural goods? What does it imply for Europe’s agricultural workforce?

Today agricultural production is no longer the most relevant component of the food system

Today agricultural production is no longer the most relevant component of the food system. The characteristics of the initial phase of agricultural production are more and more irrelevant in determining the overall characteristics of the food system. What new role does post-harvest serve? How can we use that knowledge to inform dietary concerns?